Guided Tours
Everyday Life of Forced Laborers in National Socialism
Tour of the site and exhibitions
From 9th grade (all school types), adults
Duration: approx. 2 hours
The tour through the former Nazi forced labor camp and the permanent exhibition "Forced Labour in the Daily Round 1938-1945" gives an overview of forced labor in National Socialism. Who were the 13 million men, women and children who were forced to work in the German Reich? What work did they have to do? How were they treated? A visit to the restored "Barrack 13" gives an impression of how the forced laborers lived. It emerges that forced laborers were part of the everyday life of Germans.
Every Sunday at 11 a.m as a public guided tour in English without registration, Saturdays and Sunday at 3 p.m. in German.
Meeting point: Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre, Barracks 2
Education and Guided Tours
+49 30 6390 288 0 or -21
"Between all stools" Italian Military Internees as Forced Labourers
Guided tour of the exhibition and visit to "Barrack 13"
From 9th grade (all school types), adults
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Italian military internees were soldiers who were captured by the Germans in 1943. Italy had terminated its alliance with the German Reich, and the former allies were now regarded as "traitors". The guided tour through the permanent exhibition "Between all Chairs" illuminates the historical background and shows the conditions under which the approximately 650,000 Italian military internees lived and worked in captivity. Their history is hardly known and yet still influences the relationship between Germany and Italy today.

Women and Children in Forced Labour
Tour of the site and exhibitions
From class 10 (all school types), adults
Duration: 2 hours
There was a large proportion of women among the civilian forced laborers. In the camp they were exposed to racism and discrimination as well as sexual assault. Pregnant women were particularly affected. They had to fight for the survival of their children. In the worst case they were forced to have an abortion or had to part with their baby. Using examples from the exhibitions "Forced Labour in the Daily Round 1938-1945" and "Barrack 13", this tour is dedicated to the role of women and children in Nazi forced labor.
Touching allowed
Guided tour suitable for children
5th and 6th grade
Duration: 1 hour
How does it smell in the air-raid shelter? How does a barrack wall feel? And what inscriptions can be deciphered on it? During this child-friendly guided tour, pupils learn what everyday life at the camp looked like from photos and buildings. Our guides address different senses and establish references to the students' environment. The guided tour provides an initial approach to the subject of forced labour and is intended to remove obstacles in dealing with National Socialism.
"For example Ugo and Maria" Life Stories from the Forced Labour Camp
Biographical tour
9th and 10th grade (all school types)
Duration: 1,5 hours
Stories are often more accessible to young people than sober facts and figures. This tour takes up biographies of forced laborers, for example the fates of Ugo Brilli from Italy and Maria Kawecka from Poland. Their memories, photos and personal notes are the guidelines for a tour of the exhibitions and the grounds. Depending on their personal histories, topics such as deportation, accommodation and everyday life in the camp, hygiene, work, escape and punishment, or their relationship with Germans are discussed.
War and Forced Labor
Excursion to the Museum Berlin-Karlshorst & visit to the Documentation Centre NS Forced Labor
From 9th grade (all school types), adults
Duration: 5 to 6 hours
How are war and forced labour connected? The excursion to the Museum Berlin-Karlshorst pursues this question. The exhibition on the war of annihilation against the Soviet Union illustrates why forced labor became increasingly important for the German Reich during the Second World War. The tour through the former forced labor camp in Schöneweide shows the conditions under which forced laborers had to live and work.
(Hi)Story in the Neighbourhood
district walk
From 9th grade (all school types), adults
Duration: 3 hours
Why were there so many forced labourers in Schöneweide? A stroll around the former Nazi forced labor camp reveals the connection between war, the arms industry and forced labour. The tour leads to historic industrial sites in the district and follows the development of the district during the Nazi era. The tour also shows how individual families have shaped the district's history.
From the Empire to the Nazi Era
Cycle tour in Treptow and Köpenick
From 9th grade (all school types), adults
Duration: 3 hours
The bike tour takes you to historic places in Schöneweide and the old town of Köpenick. It follows the traces of Nazi history along the Spree: Where was the synagogue in Köpenick? Why were there so many forced labour camps in the district and how does this relate to its industrial history? Important stations are the Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre and the Köpenick Blood Week Memorial.