Method Kit
Diversity in primary schools
Five building blocks against racism and exclusion
Kit of methods with working materials for teachers
5th and 6th grade
Application: Project week
Materials also available in digital form
The suitcase contains teaching suggestions and materials dealing with racism and exclusion. The starting point is the biography of a Polish forced laborer and excerpts from her memories. The programme also includes a guided tour of the Documentation Centre on Nazi Forced Labor. Suggestions for games that take up the theme of "Exclusion Today" round off the collection of material. The material is available only in German.
Education and guided tours
+49 30 6390 288 0 or -21
Material kit forced labour
Objects and working materials
From 9th grade (all school types)
Application: Double hour to project week
Maximum rental period: 14 days
The history of forced labour is told by means of objects: The material case contains about 60 objects, including photos from the lives of forced laborers, copies of work cards and works identity cards, badges or finds from forced labor camps. Information and question cards structure the work with the objects. An extensive accompanying booklet provides teachers with background information and further ideas for using the suitcase in class. A visit to the Documentation Centre for NS Forced Labor makes it easier to get to grips with the subject and should be part of the project.