
In workshops the participants can deal more intensively with the topic of Nazi forced labour. The workshops are aimed at pupils at lower and upper secondary level and at youth and adult groups as well as students and various occupational groups. Individual focuses will be set according to agreement and possibility.

+49 306390 288 0 or -21

Life Stories from the Forced Labour Camp
Biographical learning

From 9th grade (all school types)
Duration: 3 to 4 hours

What did forced labor in National Socialism mean? How did the Nazi racial hierarchy affect the lives of individuals? In this workshop, the participants will deal with biographical sources: personal documents and photos as well as excerpts from interviews with forced laborers. The students will also learn about various sources on National Socialism. The workshop is a good introduction to the topic.

Students explore Nazi Forced Labour
student self-guidance

From 9th grade (all school types)
Duration: 3 to 4 hours

In small groups, students independently explore aspects of Nazi forced labour on the grounds and in the exhibitions: What history does the camp have? How were forced labourers recruited? What was their everyday life and work like? What happened during air raids? How were escapees punished? What survival strategies and freedoms did the
Forced labour? Material folders support the work. The results are then presented in a self-guided tour.

Stakeholders in forced labour
Learning with references

From 9th grade (all school types), adults
Duration: 4 to 5 hours

Forced labour knew not only perpetrators and victims, but also profiteers, helpers and spectators. What room for manoeuvre did the respective actors have? This is what the participants in this workshop are dealing with. The material is based on biographies, various sources from the Nazi era and the permanent exhibition "Forced Labour in the Daily Round 1938-1945".

A Perfect World or a Beautiful Illusion? Photos of Forced Labourers
photo interpretation

From 9th grade (all school types), adults
Duration: 4 hours

Photos of forced labourers often show well-kept, smiling people. The pictures thus contradict the expectations placed on photos of victims. A perfect world or a beautiful illusion? In this workshop, the participants critically examine photos as a source of Nazi history. Methods such as classical image interpretation and "segmental image analysis" will be used. This free and associative form of analysis divides photos into segments, each of which is interpreted individually. In this way, the exact view of historical photos is trained.

From ally to traitor. Experiences of Italian military internees

From 9th grade (all school types)
Duration: 3 to 4 hours

The Italian military internees were particularly exposed to the hatred of the National Socialists. After all, the former allies were regarded as "traitors". On the basis of self testimonies and sources from the permanent exhibition "Between All Stools", the participants work on central aspects of the topic: How did Nazi propaganda affect the everyday life of Italian military internees? Under what conditions did they have to live and work? Why were they declared civilian forced labourers in 1944? The way they dealt with the Italian military internees influenced German-Italian relations to the present day. Therefore, the discussion on questions of compensation and remembrance also takes up a large part of the workshop.